Cervical osteochondrosis

Neck pain with osteochondrosis

More and more people are choosing jobs that do not require much physical effort. This definitely affects human health. So, one of the most common diseases is cervical osteochondrosis.

As a result of this disease, the articular cartilage and bone tissue changes. Previously, this term included a number of diseases, but now it refers exclusively to the degenerative condition of the spine.

Why is the cervical region most often affected? It is he who has increased mobility and a large number of neurons and blood vessels. Before learning how to treat cervical osteochondrosis, eliminate the cause of the disease.

Causes of the disease

Osteochondrosis does not always occur with acute symptoms. Due to anatomical features, changes in the intervertebral discs do not always cause pain or the like. Therefore, the disease is often overlooked.

Cervical osteochondrosis often develops for several reasons:

  • lifeless lifestyle;
  • lack of physical activity, salt deposits develop in the liver, kidneys, vertebrae;
  • Metabolic disease.

In addition, there are risk factors to consider. They may not necessarily cause the disease, but in unfavorable circumstances they may manifest themselves well:

  • The body undergoes inevitable changes with age;
  • whether the ancestors had cervical osteochondrosis;
  • Hormonal disorders often cause metabolic disorders;
  • Some chronic diseases, such as lupus or rheumatism, can cause cartilage to thin;
  • Hypothermia.

Stages of the disease

Cervical osteochondrosis, like many other diseases, includes several stages of development.

  1. So, at the first stage, the destruction of the intervertebral discs is noted, the danger of this moment is that there is no severe pain, maximum discomfort in the neck. Due to changes in the structure of the disc, nerve roots are compressed - this is the source of the disease. As a rule, with timely diagnosis, the disease can be completely cured. It is important to prescribe the correct treatment and follow all the doctor's recommendations.
  2. In the second stage, in addition to the destruction of the discs, the displacement of the cervical spine begins. If the treatment is unsuccessful or the diagnosis is not made early, osteochondrosis becomes chronic. The patient may have "tilted head syndrome", where the head needs to be held in a certain position to relieve the pain. A typical symptom is severe pain.
  3. The third stage is the development of hernias and protrusions, as well as the impact on internal organs. After such a development of the disease, the cervical spine is compressed in the blood vessels, disrupting the blood flow to the brain. This causes headaches, nausea, dizziness and the like. In rare cases, numbness of the limbs may appear. With a bad development of events, a stroke is possible. The danger of this stage of the disease is that the pain is not so intense. Many are sure that the disease is over, everything is cured, and meanwhile the destruction of the spine continues. It is about the cartilage tissue, because it is the cause of the pain, but in the third stage - it is completely destroyed. Sometimes hearing and coordination disorders develop.

There are also specific features of the course of cervical osteochondrosis. Depending on which parts of the spine are damaged, there are several syndromes. Each of them has different types of pain.

Cervical osteochondrosis syndromes

For example, cervical osteochondrosis can cause migraines. This happens during hypertension. As a result of its appearance, intracranial pressure increases, which brings pain. Due to high blood pressure, there is a risk of stroke.

Also, headaches are often caused by compression of the vertebral arteries.

During this syndrome, there is a decrease in visual acuity, dizziness, coordination disorder. All this happens due to the lack of oxygen to the brain. Sudden head movements can cause dizziness.

Compression of the spinal roots is much more dangerous, since this syndrome has a complex of symptoms. First of all, the pain is localized on the neck and radiates to the forearm, sometimes it can also spread to the hands. In the early stages of the disease, when turning the neck, you may notice a convulsion. Along with the subsequent stinging of the roots, there are breathing disorders, a feeling of coma in the throat. Because the nerves of the cervical vertebrae are closely connected to the face, when the roots are pressed, numbness or impaired mobility of the tongue may be observed.

If the spine is not treated in time, the symptoms will only increase and become more pronounced. Due to the lack of oxygen in the brain, malfunctions begin and this can lead to a number of mental illnesses (depression, anxiety disorders, hyperventilation, etc. ).

It is important to distinguish cervical osteochondrosis and epilepsy in time. They are often confused due to full body tension and brief loss of consciousness.

Modern diagnostic methods are used for this. Due to changes in the work of the cervical and thoracic spine, there is a disturbance in the work of the heart, as a result of which the symptoms of tachycardia and arrhythmia appear. Another obvious manifestation of the disease is swelling under the eyes. They are formed due to the compression of the lateral vessels of the spine.

Diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis

Before starting spine treatment, it is necessary to visit a neurologist to clarify the diagnosis. Thanks to modern methods of studying the body, medicine is armed with a large arsenal of disease detection techniques. Until recently, the most that a neurologist could offer was an X-ray and an external examination. As a rule, such methods did not give an effective result, which is why osteochondrosis was often detected at serious stages of development. The disadvantage of X-ray is the inability to see the whole picture of the disease. CT or MRI is currently prescribed. These are quick, high-quality studies with virtually no contraindications.

After receiving the pictures, you need to consult a doctor.

Medical assistance

The question "how to treat cervical osteochondrosis" will be answered by a vertebrologist. This is a narrow focus of neurology that studies the spine and related diseases. Before prescribing medications, the doctor must prescribe a series of measures to restore blood circulation and relieve swelling. There is no unequivocal opinion about non-traditional methods of treatment. As a rule, in addition to consulting a neurologist, the patient will need the help of a surgeon, masseur, physiotherapist. In severe stages of the disease, the recovery period requires more time.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis during exacerbation?

In such a pathological condition as an exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms appear in the form of pain, limitation of movement, various sensitivity disorders and tissue trophism. The first step is to relieve the pain. For this purpose, there are various medicines. For example, you can use pepper. Due to the warming action, it perfectly copes with the task. Any analgesic will be helpful. To get rid of swelling - take any diuretic. As a home remedy, you can cook blueberries or lingonberries or special herbal preparations.

If medicines do not help, you can use a needle applicator. Due to the point effect, it helps relieve pain, swelling and improves blood flow. The main thing to remember is that you should always consult a doctor after providing first aid.

Treatment of dizziness during cervical osteochondrosis is not so important. It is important to eliminate the root cause of the disease. To maintain the condition, the doctor will prescribe medications that can thin the blood and restore blood flow to the brain. An additional bonus of these drugs: improving memory and normalizing sleep.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine includes not only medication, but also massage and physical education. In order to prevent diseases of the cervical spine, it is necessary to form a correct muscular corset of the back. In some cases, self-massage can also be effective. For him, you can use such simple techniques as sticking and stroking, as well as vibration.

Alternative medicine

One of the types of non-traditional treatment of osteochondrosis is manual therapy. Its essence lies in the impact on certain points of the body, which allows you to set bones and joints. in danger? The fact that a non-specialist can seriously injure a client, because nerves are a delicate matter. Any careless movement can cause paresis or paralysis. How to treat osteochondrosis in other ways?

Ambiguity develops around acupuncture. In contrast to manual therapy, the impact on the affected areas is carried out punctually, by means of needles. Its danger is that ignoring the injection zones can seriously worsen the patient's condition. The applicator works on the same principle.

There is even greater resistance to prescribing homeopathy. Its advantage is that drugs have side effects and should not be taken frequently. Homeopathic remedies do not have this disadvantage. But their benefits have not been scientifically proven.

In any case, if you have pain in the spine or neck, contact your doctor as soon as possible. It is better to treat any disease in the first stages, then the success of its cure is quite real forever. Do not refuse to take the drug in moments of exacerbation.